Mumaleary's Blog

Cheaper than therapy

So, you think you’re stressed?!

on May 19, 2014

Marvellous, somehow it is already Monday…again!

Time to watch the weekend disappear in the rear view mirror and wind our way through another busy week…

Today we have errands and mother and baby and tidying and all sorts to get done because, who wants to do all of the functional stuff at the weekend?! No one- that’s who! I will probably be knackered by the girls bedtime but that’s what comes from being up at 4:30am because you can’t sleep due to the ‘things to do’ list whirring around your head. (On searching for a suitable image for this post I found this which is in fact, exactly what I am doing right now! Would be nice to look so calm and dewy skinned whilst feeling so stressed!!) Frustrated Woman Using Laptop

It was during one of these stupid early starts that I saw an email from Mumsnet simply entitled

‘Stressed…Want some tips from the Experts?’

Naturally I replied to say that, YES, I was feeling a little tense, fraught, stressed, frazzled, anxious and all the rest of it and would value some handy tips to turn my life into a serene millpond of calm wonderfulness. 

Perhaps, a more sane and sensible individual would have thought…Perhaps, if you are feeling stressed, the best thing to do would be to pare down your to do list rather than add to it but, since these tips could clearly be the start of a(nother) whole new me, I tossed my hat into the proverbial ring quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.

So, I received an email back from the lovely Ann at Mumsnet to say something along the lines of;

Shit- you sound like a woman on the edge- I think you need these tips in your life pronto. *

And she sent my details on to the clever people at Aviva who sent me a questionnaire to see where I could make some changes to my lifestyle…

And so, here we are. Aviva sent me a detailed questionnaire asking me a variety of things about my life- home life, work life, habits, hobbies, diet and so on and have used my answers to tailor make a plan of action for me. The idea is that I try their tips for the next few weeks and then chose the ones that I ave found most beneficial to stick with henceforth…sounds easy doesn’t it.
I am a little skeptical to be perfectly honest. I’ve been here before.  I am, by nature a very all or nothing kind of gal. But, the idea that I can try all of the tips and then stick with the one I feel made the most difference could make it more achievable. Lets see what they come up with hey- I’ll keep you posted and, if you like, you can try the tips too!
Oh, and by the way, if you do happen to be one of those ‘got it all together’ types, feel free to add your own hints and tips below…in for a penny, in for a pound as they say!
Have a happy week all.
*Not an exact quote!

10 responses to “So, you think you’re stressed?!

  1. nikoteen87 says:

    I know how you feel and will be trying some of these tips.


  2. Hannah Horne says:

    Get a cleaner! £31.50 every other week is worth every penny, you may be less well off but it will free up time to play with the kids/excercise/work all of which cost nothing and you will feel a whole lot better! Then look at the to do list and slash it down to the must do list, forget the rest!


  3. Hannah Horne says:

    PS I can highly recommend a good cleaner!


  4. John Edwards says:

    I like the way Hannah assumes you have time to do the cleaning at the moment. In my case the cleaning just doesn’t get done so no time would be freed up (though a clean house would be rather nice – I vaguely recall what one looks like).
    My best advice. Dump the to do list and create a Done List. It gives you a great sense of achievement.


  5. I go around in circles with stress and disorganisation, lists etc. – looking forward to hearing how you get on.


  6. I’d suggest taking ten minutes in the morning to just gather your thoughts and let things ‘come.’ I find I start my whole day differently – not only calmer, but with different priorities. Or a tip I read somewhere was write down a list of 10 priorities, then delete the last 9. It gets things done! Good luck 🙂 #MBPW


  7. When i am stressed I tend to have dandruff. Lets just say that its snowing on me at the moment and they are not ice. I am willing to try anything really. #mbpw


  8. TwinsplusTwo says:

    Good luck with that – so hard to break the stress cycle and if the triggers are constant it’s even worse! #MBPW


  9. […] been doing this whole Aviva Stress Less challenge for the last few weeks? First off I had the whole questionnaire thing, then I had my first week of tips which you can read about here and now, here we are at the end of […]


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