Mumaleary's Blog

Cheaper than therapy

10 Reasons Running Rocks (keeping my motivation up!)

on January 15, 2014

On Sunday I went for my second run of the year and it was awesome. I loved it. I ran 5.7 miles, listened to music of my own choosing and felt on top of the world for the next 24 hours at least! runners legs

The previous day I had felt a little bit sluggish after a bottle of fizz shared with Mr L to toast our baby’s first birthday and it made me think (yet again) how much better exercise makes me feel than drinking ever does and, it made me wonder why people (read ME) continually hanker after a glass (read bottle) of something after a hard day (read most days).

I am making myself out to be some sort of turps drinking alcoholic which I definitely am not, but the fact remains, exercise makes me feel amazing and, now I am a mum, it gives me some much-needed time out to clear my head and hear something other than ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ or ‘When Santa got stuck up the chimney’ (yes, still). Even when these are sung in the cutest voice ever, they can become a little mind bending after the 19th rendition. Ditto ‘The magic porridge pot’.

However, I have experienced this exercise euphoria before and then headed back to the dark side. On a cold evening the lure of the lounge, the snug of the sofa and the whisper of the wine has been all too much and I’ve slid down that slippery slope quicker than you can say lard arse so, in a bid to keep me on the straight and narrow I am writing down why I need to continue this time…


Literally sniffing a human bum to check for excrement
Attempting to chip dried on weetabix off the floor/table/chair/child without damaging said item
Reading ‘Going to the Park’ AGAIN. It is a truly rubbish book

OR listening to;

BAA BAA Black Sheep
5 Little Monkeys
Incessant wailing
A head banging into something/someone followed by the above
Muma, Muma, Muma where arrrrrrrrrre you??

OR Watching;

Image from

Image from

Peppa bloody Pig
That stupid yoga programme before In the Night Garden
Ben and Holly’s little Kingdom (this makes me waver in my resolve so note that you have Iplayer and can watch Nanny Plums antics on catch up!)
64 64 64 Zoo Lane


OR Eating;
A mini babybel with your head in stuck so far into the fridge your ears are blue just so your off spring can’t see what you are doing.
Another plastic food picnic which has been chewed and slobbered on by innumerable children
The cold, mashed remains of your kids dinner (again)

OR Talking about;

Potty training

Never had this in my day and yet...I am dry day and night (mostly) #thebigparentingcon (image from Amazon)

Never had this in my day and yet…I am dry day and night (mostly)
(image from Amazon)

How your child compares/doesn’t compare to others of their age
Returning to work and feeling guilty
Not returning to work and feeling like you have no identity (or money)
How crap you are as a mother/wife/human because you aren’t able to run a house as well as a 1950’s domestic goddess who also had the waist measurement of a knat and one hell of a hairdo.

However, If you are out running you are doing the following;

Increasing your life expectancy (30 minutes of running 3 times a week will add 3yrs to your life)

Earning Cake (I mean losing weight)

Boosting your mood (regular exercise can help those with mild to moderate depression)

Improving your looks (something to do with more oxygen in your blood and all that)

Feeling smug (this could just be me!)

BOOM- I’m sold and I am keeping it up! I AM.

To that end, I have committed to completing 4 1/2 marathons this year and have either entered or have my eye on the following races already…

  • btr Liverpool Half Marathon on 23rd March
  • The Liverpool Rock n Roll Half Marathon on on 25th May

Fancy joining me?! Sipping a pint whilst wearing a medal and a finishers tee-shirt is the kind of drink I will always love!!

PS- What do you listen to if/when you run? I need to improve my playlist


London Marathon 2012.  Took the best part of a day but I DID IT!

London Marathon 2012.
Took the best part of a day but I DID IT!

 PS- I just wasted a whole hour looking through motivational quotes! I LOVE THESE:Running quoteRunning Quote









10 responses to “10 Reasons Running Rocks (keeping my motivation up!)

  1. daddyspace says:

    Love the post however when in the nightgardrn comes on we all know we are almost there bedtime! With running I have two things that stop me, I have asthma so get out of breath really quickly and I get bad stitches !


    • Mumaleary says:

      Ah ha- Mr L has asthma but does run and has found it has improved- perhaps lung capacity or something but I’m no medic.
      Stitch wise it is all down to breathing technique- slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth apparently…
      GOOD LUCK and thank you for the comment. 🙂


  2. Beth says:

    Love this post!
    I am moving house in april and really want to start jogging. I have confidence issues but will have no reason not to go once i move since the house i’m moving to is right round the corner from the cycle track!!




  3. ha! this is brilliant. running is my therapy and i walk to dog at the same time. he is reluctant and probably wouldn’t share my enthusiam. You in liverpool?


  4. Great post. Another mother runner! Love it. Running sorts my head out. I love the freedom of it and even if I can grab just 20 minutes to get out in the fresh air and see the sky I feel better for it. Thanks for linking up to #AllAboutYou. Are you on spotify? I have loads of running playlists Here’s a little half hour one –


    • Mumaleary says:

      Amazing- thank you. It does make you feel loads better doesn’t it…I think there’s lots of us hidden behind our normal clothes!!
      Thanks for commenting.
      Love the #AllAboutYou. 🙂


  5. […] 10 Reasons Running Rocks  Mamaleary tells us how a run makes her feel on top of the world! […]


  6. great post! i too get that runner’s high after i’ve been for a run but it seems to disappear so quickly that the next time I should be going out I totally can’t grasp that feeling again! i’ve signed up for a 10k at the start of march to keep me motivated!


  7. […] and ask myself why I am doing it! It is the same almost every time. Sometimes I get the legendary runners high but, I’ll be honest, it’s not a given. When I got home I was so red and out of breath I […]


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